5 Natural Supplements for Weight Loss

With the new year now upon us, losing weight doesn't have to be a hard thing to do. Here are some practical tips to keeping you lean without going on an extreme diet or extreme exercises.

When you shake up your exercise regimen and diet, it's common to see steady, consistent weight loss as your body responds to the new routine. After some time, you may reach a plateau where you can't lose weight, no matter what. At this point, a lot of people reach for a fat-burner to get rid of the last few stubborn pounds. Fat-burners are highly effective at helping people who follow a healthy fitness program reach their goal weight; however, many products on the market contain harmful, hard-to-pronounce ingredients that cause unpleasant side effects such as insomnia, an uncomfortably fast heartbeat and trembling hands. Here are five natural fat burners that make a significant difference to your weight without damaging your health.


Polyphenols are a plant compound that interacts with the bacteria in the gut to support weight loss. They’re found in many different foods, including chocolate, berries, broccoli, red wine, apples, grapefruit, spinach and turmeric, but there is a more straightforward way of boosting polyphenol levels without having to pay such close attention to the food you’re eating. A polyphenol blend powder uses a combination of fat-burning polyphenol-rich ingredients combined with probiotics to create a superfood mix that blends easily with water, shakes, and even coffee.  


Protein is an excellent supplement to assist with weight loss for several reasons. First, protein is the building blocks of hormones and when you consume a lot of it, it creates more of the satiation hormone that signals you’re full and suppresses ghrelin, the hunger hormone, which is why a high-protein diet makes you feel full. Second, protein increases your metabolic rate. It’s a high thermic nutrient, meaning your body has to work harder – and burn more calories – to digest it.

Soluble Fiber

Belly fat is one of the hardest areas to shift. Fortunately, soluble fiber has been proven to not only get rid of belly fat but also to prevent you from gaining it in the first place. It does this by combining with water to slow down the speed at which the stomach releases digested food into the gut, so you continue to feel full for longer. It also increases levels of the satiation hormone, which sends out signals telling you you’re full. The two combined reduces appetite, so you eat less, taking on board fewer calories. Be mindful that there are two types of fiber. Insoluble fiber is the second type, and it’s commonly associated with supporting bowel movements but doesn’t promote weight loss.


Caffeine is a stimulant. It boosts metabolism, which helps burn fat faster. It is most potent immediately after taking it and can increase metabolism by 10-15% over the next two hours. Studies have shown that leaner people even see caffeine convert fat into a fuel source. Unfortunately, bodies quickly adapt to caffeine – if you’re a coffee drinker, you may have noticed that, as time goes on, you need a stronger cup to get the same wide-awake buzz. Health professionals recommend drinking no more than two or three cups of coffee a day to see the maximum benefit. A trap many people fall into is that they up the amount of coffee they drink but continue to add cream and sugar. This adds empty calories, so switch to black coffee to get the best results.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is a concentrate of green tea and is thought to be a powerhouse of weight loss nutrients because it contains not only caffeine but polyphenols too. Studies show it significantly increases fat burn over 24 hours when compared to just caffeine on its own. Many people choose to take green tea as a supplement because the quantities you’d need to consume to see optimal results equate to between three and five cups of green tea a dayScience Articles, which would affect your sleep pattern.

Lose weight naturally without putting harmful chemicals into your body. Try some of these supplements and eat your way to feeling leaner and lighter.




Kevin Devoto is an avid outdoor enthusiast and freelance writer. He enjoys writing about sustainability, eco friendly behaviors and local travel. He has traveled all over the world but has taken a particular interest in our great National Parks.

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