5 Best Exercises to Control Blood Pressure

1. Introduction

These days every other person is suffering from high blood pressure not only elders but the young ones too. The main reason for having high blood pressure is our diet and daily physical activities which we usually don’t bother with.

To maintain your high blood pressure the doctors usually recommend exercise, though it can be reduced with medicines too, exercise is a healthier and safer way. It requires a little bit of effort but the fruit that comes out of this effort is very healthy and makes you physically fit and stronger.

2. Which exercises are good for high blood pressure?

Exercises help to maintain a strong heart and a healthy weight which means your heart can pump blood with a little effort. Few exercises are good for maintaining blood pressure. The exercises are as follows:

2.1. Brisk Walk.

Cardio exercises help in lowering blood pressure as they increase heart rate. Doing brisk walks means you have to walk faster than your normal walking speed to increase your heart rate. As the heart rate increases, it will help the heart reduce the stiffness of blood vessels, and the heart will easily pump more blood to the body and maintain your blood pressure.

2.2. Jogging.

It has been known for a long time that doing exercise can help reduce high blood pressure, treat weight gain, and treat other health issues like diabetes.

Before starting, your doctor should approve the physical activity. As a beginner, it is best to start with jogging and brisk walking, as they have rhythmic movements that can slowly build your stamina and gradually increase your heart rate

Try to start with a slow speed and then move to a fast speed once your stamina is built up.

2.3. Chair Exercises to control Blood pressure.

This exercise is best for people who are in their late 50s or 60s and are unable to do cardio exercises or jogging.

For people who suffer from arthritis and osteoporosis, this exercise works best for them as there is no unusual force or weight.

Most of you must be thinking about how someone can maintain their blood pressure by exercising while sitting on a chair. This exercise is a mix of stretches and movements that increase the heart rate and make the muscles of the arms and legs stronger.

2.4. Pedal Pushing or Cycling.

Cycling is an effective form of exercise if has been done for 10 minutes and you are actively pedaling. 

Cycling engages every muscle of the body and heart as well. Cycling a little faster than the routine can help in lowering blood pressure, it also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by reducing stress.

2.5. Gardening.

Gardening is a very healthy and enjoyable kind of workout. The effort in digging, weeding, and planting itself is a workout. As you are moving, your muscles get engaged, and your heart rate also increases.

Gardening is a source of exposure to nature, and according to a study conducted by some researchers, nature plays an important role in stress relief, maintaining blood pressure, better sleep, and overall health.

3. Exercises to avoid high blood pressure.

It is best to consult your doctor before practicing any exercise. Many people are on medication for high blood pressure, and exercising while on medication can cause fluctuations in your heart rate and blood pressure.

As you start your exercise journey, it is best to take it slow and avoid intense exercises like weightlifting, climbing, and running, as these are very intense and can raise your heart rate and cause high blood pressure to a dangerous extent.

4. How to stay motivated to do exercises daily?

Exercise daily not only helps you to maintain your blood pressure, but it also helps you with stress management, cardio diseases, and other health-related medical conditions.

Some people find it hard to exercise regularly. The best way is to do as much as you can, but keep trying; even a little effort can make a big difference

To discover more ways, read the following points:

4.1. Set goal.

Setting a goal means that any activity that piques your interest is healthy and keeps your body fit side by side. For example, you like to swim, but you do it for only 10 minutes a day.

There are no limitations to that until it keeps you going and motivated.

Keep doing it daily on purpose, and you’ll see the amazing results yourself.

4.2. Start by doing small and less intense exercises

To start anything, the best is to take small steps rather than big ones. To get it started, try to split your workout into 2 or 3 portions of time.

For example, if you have to work out for 30 minutes, split it into three 10-minute sessions. It will help you build your stamina as a beginner and won’t get you exhausted.

4.3. Find yourself an exercise partner.

The main thing is to enjoy what you do, and if you are not enjoying it, you are more likely to give it up, whether today or tomorrow.

The best way is to get yourself some friends, family members, or colleagues to keep you motivated and you’ll see how doing exercise will become a fun part of your day. 

5. Conclusion:

Though there are medicated ways to cure high blood pressure, however, exercise is still the safest and most healthy  way to control the BP.

As all medicines have their side effects too if they are treating one issue, on the other hand, there must be some health damage too that we are not noticing and taking care off.

The best way for the patients and for a normal person not to get into this issue is to have regular exercise and control in  too.