Summary of Experience (to present day)

Sami has over 20 years of experience training in multiple disciplines such as;

  1. Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Strength & Conditioning, Functional, Weight loss training and Bodybuilding.

Specialty training experience includes;

  1. Postural Correction, Toning, Fat Loss, Body Transformation, Body Sculpting, Core and Stability, Strength & Conditioning, Muscle Mass, Bodybuilding, Kickboxing & Boxing, Endurance Training, Marathon Training.

Formal qualifications include;

  1. REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer
  2. Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Personal Training
  3. UK Strength & Conditioning Certification
  4. Functional Training (Kettlebells, TRX, ViPR)
  5. Kickboxing
  6. Advanced Nutrition

Sami lives and breathes fitness and has completed challenges such as the;

  1. Three Peaks Challenge, Hell run, Tough mudder, cycling from London to Brighton
  2. Competed 5 times at the Natural Men’s Physique competition UKBFF and a Finalist at the British Natural Men’s Physique competition (UKBFF). Check out the Gallery here.